I was a guest on KCAA's Political Hour last Tuesday, April 26, hosted by Mark Westwood. This was the radio program hosted by Mark Shepherd before his recent death.
The entire interview runs just under 22 minutes. Enjoy.
I, along with fellow Board member John Longville, were recent guests on the Mark Shepherd political hour on KCAA 1050 AM on Tuesday, March 22. I have posted my portion of the interview for you to enjoy. The entire interview is around 35 minutes. Don Singer Interview 032211
I was a recent guest on the Mark Shepherd political hour on KCAA 1050 AM on Tuesday, December 7. I have posted my portion of the interview for you to enjoy. The entire interview is a little over 10 minutes. Don Singer Interview 120710
The Registrars’ Offices in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties have certified the final results of the elections. The results are as follows: San Bernardino County: 48,725 votes; and in Riverside County: 708 votes for a total of 49,433 votes. To see these results, visit the San Bernardino and Riverside County Registrar of Voters websites.
Thank you once again. I am looking forward to my third term with great enthusiasm!
About Don Singer Don Singer is proud of his having served as an educator in Southern California schools and colleges for over 30 years. He was a teacher in all types of institutions, ranging from middle schools through university programs. He has taught a wide variety of courses, including United States History, English, Geography, American government, and, in graduate programs, courses in Education for those students desiring a Master's degree or Doctoral degree in Education or Higher Education. Don has four degrees from the University of Southern California, including a Bachelor's degree in History; a Master's degree in Education; a Master's degree in History; and a Doctoral degree in Higher Education.
Most of his career in education was spent in the California community college system, in which he served in a variety of capacities, including instructor, dean, vice president, and president. He is the only person who had the pleasure and privilege of serving as the President of the two colleges in the San Bernardino Community College District. He served as President of Crafton Hills College for eight years and as President of San Bernardino Valley College for seven years.
Following his early retirement from San Bernardino Valley College he served for several years as the Executive Director of Inland Action. Inland Action is a long-standing, non-profit, non-partisan corporation of public spirited citizens who are banded together to aid in the economic development of the Inland Empire. Headquartered in San Bernardino, the group holds weekly meetings to which leading business people, elected officials, and other community leaders are invited to speak on matters of economic and cultural concern. The groups works actively and effectively with elected officials in both Sacramento and Washington, D.C. to effect needed economic change in the Inland Empire.
Don was first elected to the Board of Trustees of the San Bernardino Community College District in 2001 and was re-elected in 2005. He was elected by his Board colleagues to the positions of Clerk of the Board, Vice President of the Board, and Board President. During his tenure on the Board, Don has worked hard on a number of issues which are important to the communities which support both Crafton Hills College and San Bernardino Valley College, including helping to lower the cost of textbooks; working with the Legislature to convince them to provide the needed financial resources for the District; and working with business groups and business leaders to increase the college-going rate in our community.
His involvement in the community college movement extends beyond his membership on the Board of Trustees of the San Bernardino Community College District. He has been elected and serves on the Board of Directors of the California Community College Trustees. This is the group which represents all 442 locally-elected Board members from the 72 community college Districts in the State and works to establish goals toward which all of the community college Districts will strive.
WE WON! And I say “we” because I could not have been re-elected without the great help from all of you in putting together this winning campaign.
As you know, it is difficult to reach voters in this Community College District but I was able to do so thanks to those of you who endorsed me and talked to your friends, to those who contributed to my campaign, to those who wrote letters to local newspapers, to those who made calls and E-mails on my behalf, and to the many thousands of you who voted for me.
As I said throughout the course of this campaign my role as a Board member is to work with my colleagues to move the colleges forward and to permit the students to reach their goal, whether it be a better job or to transfer to a four-year institution or simply to take a course or two to improve the quality of their life and, thanks to you I can continue to do that.
Thank you again for your wonderful work and I am most appreciative for my re-election.